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January and February can be near colorless, cloud covered days here in the Midwest. For photographers, whose medium is light and it's manipulation that can pose some challenges for landscape photographers. So I've been doing a little self-exploration on creativity, and photography - reading books, perusing other photographer's work, re-processing old images with a fresh eye and new skills.

One of these books challenges photographers to ask themselves a series of questions about their work to drive toward their best work. One of those questions is whether the photograph tells a story and what story that is.

A few examples in my work came to mind and I'm going to spend a few of these posts to revisit mostly brighter days.

South Manitou Island, Michigan

Summer of 2019 - The Great Lakes are all at record high levels not seen in 20+ years. I was seeking adventure and a place less frequented and settled on an August week on Lake Michigan - South Manitou Island 8 miles off the main land of Michigan. A place that I stared at in the distance longing to hop the ferry to on a family trip years ago. A place home to microbears (chipmunks with an affinity for snacks at campsites), rampant poison ivy with no deer to consume it, old farms and homes from a bygone era, primitive campsites. and South Manitou Island Light marking safe passage through the straight.

It was a particularly rough ferry ride over - one that was nearly delayed by the rough lakes. The first night, we wandered around the light at sunset after carrying our kayaks a half mile since even the bay was too rough for passage that first night.

The combination of rough seas, high waters, and a passing front lead to this unique capture with the lighthouse reflected in a receding wave's water. Now - I immediately fell in love with this scene - but it took several attempts at post processing to really bring out the life and feeling of being there.

The final result:

I tried to get excited about the turning of the calendar and the end of a year that will not soon be forgotten, but I really struggled this time. Because it didn't honestly feel like anything was changing this time around. That feeling of a blank page and fresh resolutions was just not to be mustered on December 31st, 2020 or January 1st 2021. I didn't partake in setting any resolutions this year - not because I don't have things I want to accomplish but because I just want this year to be about generally moving forward.

But today... today I had that sense of excitement that comes with change and new beginnings. Today our country's leadership turned over and we have the first female Vice President in our country's history. Long overdue. And while some who don't agree with the ideology and political leanings of the new administration are choosing to belittle and joke about how she has risen to this position (of questionable importance according to some media outlets), I choose to see this as a strong beginning and to breathe a little deeper. And today is a day I hope we will all be able to look back on with appreciation for it's significance and the dreams it's kindling in little girls across the country and even world.

Here's to another beginning. While the page is not blank as problems don't magically disappear, here's to hoping the story is one worth looking back on with some pride this time next year and well into the future.

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